What is Oíche Rua?
The phrase is from Irish Gaelic, Gaelige, and directly translates to "Wild Night." Except that the word "rua" doesn't just describe wilderness. It denotes the Irish's red locks, the humbling rumble of a thunderstorm, and the howling winds. It references the mythical Wild Hunt, a caravan of Sídhe who tour Ireland leaving viewers bewildered.
In my work I want to capture the beauty of the wild night.

Constantly Evolving: The website says 'pottery' why do you have felted hats, and prints?
I make an attempt, at least, to constantly explore mediums outside of what I know, develop what I do know, and comprehend why I want to know. It results in me enjoying and exploring a number of mediums.
Any artist or craftsperson will tell you about the inner self that squees in delight when touching their medium. Paper, wool, and clay are a few things that make me squee, so I attempt to explore them all.
At the very least, I can make matching mugs and tea cozies.

My Path:
I attended The New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. I have graduated from the Ceramic Diploma program, and Textiles program. I am excited to learn the techniques, and participating in the ritual of keeping ancient knowledge alive.
I am developing a line of naturally dyed textiles and eco prints based upon my adventures in Canada's many biomes.

All About Colour:
I have noticed that in everything that I do colour is involved. From the vibrant pulses in my lithograph monoprints, to the hats that I hand dyed, to the lack of colour in my pottery. I am experimenting with new colours for my graduation piece. It's just very hard to find the right tone and saturation in ceramic glazes, and I fell in love with the flames in the gas kiln to the point that I refused to fire in a oxidation environment.
Over the last eight or so years I have curated and composed myself into a very particular aesthetic, which has resulted in me somehow matching with everything that I own. It is simultaneously entertaining and somewhat amusing.

This is my cat, sleeping on a felted fish that I made in a LEAP course held by Tina Sharpova.
All photos on this page, excluding this cat photo, are courtesy of NBCCD and Bang On Photography